Monday, March 1, 2010


Well I had fabulous intentions of blogging everyday and then real life happened.  This is both a blessing and a curse so I'm moving to weekly updates and given how busy I am, these may stay as draft notes until I finish the challenge.

Week 3 was a good week, feeling strong and really focussing on my goals but needing to find a balance. I think I'm approaching the challenge a lot more realistically this year.  I had soundwave at the end of Week 2 and that just blew away my goals of daily blogging.  However - I planned for it.  I took snacks, drank water, danced myself silly, made good food choices when on the road trip with the girls and as a result - 600g loss this week.  Very excited.  The exercise is starting to flow, I'm feeling my body get stronger, more flexible.  Bike ride challenge this week was good, I loved feeling my legs just push through and eat up the kilometres.  Am a bit nervous but am starting to look forward to measurements.  Corinbank this weekend was a decided challenge - a 3 day festival up in the Corin Forest.  However, focussing on the postive - so much walking and so little use of the ventolin, coped with the stress effectively and didn't decide to blow my food choices just because I gave myself an out.  I danced - so much dancing to one of my favourite artists - Dallas Frasca who sang her guts outs  (I of course joined in) with the great song "Strong Man".  Favourite line "it's takes a strong man to deal with a woman like me".  Hell yeah it does.  I think that's one of the things I enjoy most about the Fernwood environment, by being a celebration of women, it encourages us to celebrate ourselves, our lumps, our bumps, our strengths, our endurance, our joy in life.  The girls at Canberra City are a brilliant support network and are always there for a little pick me up or quick chat.

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