Monday, March 15, 2010

Week Five

This having a life thing does tend to mean that one can't obsess about the challenge 24/7 which is probably good. Fit in as many workouts during the week as I could around work before heading off to Sydney for a girlfriend's wedding. I talked through some strategies with the Slim girls before heading off and felt comfortable about how to manage things. This was slightly defeated by the small country town I was in not really having any acquaintance with vegetable matter that wasn't deep fried and heavily salted however I limited my portions, drank lots of water and limited my alchohol. Managed not to be the scary diet kill joy - I hate going out with that person and would hate to be that person for my friends even more.  Felt really confident, had an amazing new dress and guess what?  Since I bought it in the January sales, it was now a little big for me which was the first real indication of a change in my size.  There was a moment of swearing when I put it on and it was a bit big (this was of course, the day before I had to leave for the wedding). 

In a moment of bravery I'm going to actually upload a picture of me in the outfit I wore to the wedding. 

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