Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quick Update - Some Interesting Facts

I know I'm running behind on some of my daily journal entries and have plans to correct that once I start having time to breathe.

However, a quick update.  Weighed in today and found that despite my Sydney Soundwave adventures I still managed a loss of 600 grams.  Am really chuffed.

More interesting however is the other information I got today.  We had a look at my records since I started with the gym.  People keep telling me I must have lost a lot of weight (which is lovely) but I've not seen the results on the scales that backed that up.  I've seen it in measurements but couldn't quite get my head around what was happening.

Since starting to exercise last year, I've lost 17.8kgs of fat and replaced 15.6 of those with muscle, which is why I can have lost a couple of  dress sizes and only lost 1.8kg of total weight loss.

17.8kgs of fat.  Wow.  Okay, am feeling kind of chuffed now.


  1. Congratulations Brigid, that is so amazing! How have you measured how much muscle you have put on? That would be such a great motivator to keep on going with your journey.

  2. The nutritionist at my gym has scales that do the measurements for me. I've gone from 60% body fat to 48% but my weight has remained very constant so this is the calculation they use. It's very motivating.
